SJ Medical Center Management, LLC
SJ Medical Center Management, LLC (Debtor) is a Limited Liability Company located in Houston TX. They held a 79.07% interest in St. Joseph's Medical Center, a hospital located in Houston, TX, which delivered acute care and other healthcare services to the public. The membership interest in this hospital was sold on May 2, 2011.
All significant assets have been liquidated, and the Trustee's final report has been filed.
As of June 30, 2017, cash in the Bank is $16,780,807.07
The Trustee has filed the final claims motion, which is currently scheduled to be heard on April 15, 2015. After payment of the final professional fee orders, since all other creditors have been paid in full, or substantially paid, the remaining funds estimated to be $15,875,000 will be distributed to the equity owner, Hospital Partners of America, Inc. (HPA), to be distributed to its creditors.
The Final professional fee applications have been filed and are pending approval. Since all other creditors have been paid in full, or substantially paid, the remaining funds estimated to be $15,795,000 will be distributed to the equity owner, Hospital Partners of America, Inc. (HPA), to be distributed to its creditors.
There are currently no approved Professional fees outstanding.